Microsoft Dynamics NAV to Business Central - The Future of Upgrades

Microsoft Dynamics NAV to Business Central - The Future of Upgrades

If you’re considering a move from Microsoft Dynamics NAV to Business Central, it can feel overwhelming. It’s a big step—but an important one that you’ll need to make. Armed with the right information, your journey to Business Central can be smooth and certainly well worth the investment.

This video discusses key points, including the conversion of C/AL to AL, the readiness of ISVs and their add-ons, and the importance of Eventing. You’ll also learn some important questions to ask before you upgrade. Finally, we will discuss why NOW is the time to move to Business Central.

To learn more answers to your upgrade questions, download this free eBook: Upgrading from Microsoft Dynamics NAV to Business Central: Everything You Always Wanted to Know…but Didn’t Know to Ask.

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