Complete Managed IT Service Plans* for All Your IT Needs
We want to ensure you get the right support for your IT needs. Begin with our Cloud-Ready Assessment, then choose the right plan
from one of our worry-free fixed-fee Managed Network Services plans.
Email Safety
$79.95 USD per user/year
Security Testing
Incudes security training
Credential Monitoring
Leaked credential detection
License Management
Microsoft license reconciliation
*In order to qualify for ArcherPoint Complete Managed IT Services, you must
- Have ArcherPoint as your Microsoft CSP
- Purchase Microsoft licensing through us
- Have a minimum of 10 workstations in your managed network
Managed Endpoint Security
$119.95 USD per user/month
Managed Security Operation Center
Remote Monitoring
Includes remote management
Backup & Recovery
Includes disaster recovery1
Everything in the Email Safety plan.
1Georedundant backup capability requires additional Microsoft Azure license fees.
24/7 Coverage
$198.95 USD per user/month
Phone Support
24/7, 365 days a year
Penetration Testing
Vulnerability Scanning
Everything in the Email Safety and Managed Endpoint Security plan.
Cloud-Ready Assessment
Start with our cloud-ready assessment for peace of mind. This assessment will provide insight into your network’s current state,
identify any vulnerabilities, and provide recommendations for how you can be truly ready for the cloud.
- Leaked credential detection
- Vulnerability scan
- External penetration test
- Email Trustworthiness (SPF/DKIM/DMARC)
- Identity management review
- Microsoft License Reconciliation
- Single sign-on
- Endpoint and infrastructure security management
- Data security, backup, and disaster recovery – local and cloud
- Cyber insurance qualification assistance
- Cloud security assessments