Deferral Posting Suggestion in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016
Editor’s Note: Saurav Dhyani is proposing an enhancement to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016. If you think this feature should be part of the base application, please vote for it on Microsoft Connect or iLoveNAV. If you have a suggestion of your own, feel free to propose it on these resources.
When you are posting any entry in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016, the entries can only be posted if the Posting Date falls between Allowed Posting From and Allowed Posting To, User Setup or General Ledger Setup.
Figure 1. Posting dates setup.
Using Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016, the Deferral Functionality and posting a Sales Invoice is shown below:
Figure 2. Sales invoice with Deferral.
Below is the Deferral Schedule for the Resource Line in the invoice in Figure 2.
Figure 3. Deferral Schedule for Sales Invoice Line.
Issue in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016
When the user tries to post the Sales Invoice, they will receive an Error Message:
Figure 4. Posting Error with Deferral.
The reason for this is because the Deferral Entries the transaction is trying to post are in future dates that are out of the Period in the Setup.
Suggested Solution
I propose the following solution: Add two Fields in Allow Deferral Posting to & Allow Deferral Posting From, in User Setup and General Ledger Setup as shown below.
Figure 5. New Field in Setup.
Below is a new function in Codeunit 11 for Checking Deferral Posting Date:
Figure 6. New Function in Codeunit 11.
Changes in Codeunit 12:
Figure 7. Changes in the Function PostDeferralPostBuffer.
With these changes, the system will check the Dates Related to Deferral Entries with New Allowed Date Fields in the Setup.
If you think this feature should be part of the base application, please vote for it on Microsoft Connect or iLoveNAV.
If you have any questions about this function or other Dynamics NAV questions for any version, contact ArcherPoint.
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