Discrete manufacturers and batch processing plants have moved quickly over the last ten years to transition plant floor machines and systems away from analog processes to digital input/outputs (I/O), so ERP software could optimize production planning, forecasting, and invoicing, to name a few. However, achieving mature manufacturing plant data takes time as companies experience ebbs… Continue reading Mature Manufacturing Plant Data Demands Cloud ERP
Category: Internet of Things
Why It’s Important to Become an Innovative Retailer…and How to Start
What do you think when you hear the word, “innovative”? Typically, our thoughts go to making strides in technology—something really big like artificial intelligence, IoT, virtual reality, robots, and the like. While this is true, the real purpose of innovation is to improve what we already have, and it doesn’t have to be earth-shaking. In… Continue reading Why It’s Important to Become an Innovative Retailer…and How to Start
Intelligent Edge Defined and Why It Matters to Businesses
Intelligent Edge. You might have heard this term, but like most of us, all you know is that it’s somehow important (at the moment, at least), but you don’t know why or if you should care. First, this is a concept you should care about if you’re running a business. Second, it’s not going away;… Continue reading Intelligent Edge Defined and Why It Matters to Businesses
The Internet of Things and Dynamics NAV
As a kid, I spent many Saturday mornings in front of a small TV watching cartoons on one of the three channel options available. One of my favorites was The Jetsons. To this very day, I can still sing the full theme song from memory! In retrospect, I think it was the magic of it… Continue reading The Internet of Things and Dynamics NAV
What IoT Means for Manufacturers
Internet of Things (IoT) as an industry is projected to grow from 5 billion devices installed in 2015 to 24 billion in 2020. By the end of 2017, 76% of manufacturers will be involved in the industry growth and foresee launching industrial IoT applications and use of smart devices. IoT can be a huge game… Continue reading What IoT Means for Manufacturers