New Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) eBook for Manufacturers

July 30, 2014

New guide offers insight and examples to help manufacturers take control through Enterprise Resource Planning

ATLANTA, GA – July 30, 2014 – ArcherPoint, LLC, a Microsoft Dynamics Gold ERP Partner and provider of integrated Microsoft Dynamics NAV business solutions and upgrades, announced a new eBook for manufacturers, It’s 8 am, do you know where your inventory is? How today’s manufacturers are taking control of materials, inventory and manufacturing costs from order to delivery, available for download on ArcherPoint’s Website.

This free eBook is designed to help manufacturers understand how they can take control of their business with an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution. Written in practical, real-world language, it discusses the many challenges manufacturing businesses face, including managing the ever-changing balance of input, output, and customer service, coordinating inventory and raw materials across the supply chain, managing the cost of production, and getting orders out on time.

This informative eBook also shows how many manufacturers are already successfully building a competitive edge through system-based guidance in materials resource planning, a fully integrated approach to purchasing, optimized warehouse management, and much more, with real-world examples.

This eBook is an excellent way to share [ArcherPoint’s] expertise, using real-world stories involving companies that have already experienced success with these tools.

“With years of experience consulting with companies dealing with the challenges manufacturing businesses face like those outlined in this eBook, ArcherPoint is always looking for opportunities to share knowledge that will help manufacturers build a competitive edge,” said Paul Smith, a manufacturing expert with ArcherPoint’s Consulting Office. “This eBook is an excellent way to share that expertise, using real-world stories involving companies that have already experienced success with these tools.”

The eBook is part of ArcherPoint’s continuing education program, which includes its popular blog. ArcherPoint plans on continuing to produce educational resources for mid-market manufacturers throughout the year. The eBook is available for download from ArcherPoint’s website.

About ArcherPoint

ArcherPoint, Inc. is a Microsoft Certified Gold and LS Retail partner, providing modern workplace solutions including Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, Dynamics NAV, LS Retail, Azure, Dynamics 365 Sales, Microsoft 365, and Power Platform to companies throughout North America and Europe.  ArcherPoint’s certified, experienced professionals collaborate with clients to design, implement, and support solutions tailored to their unique requirements—from back-office accounting to supply chain, inventory, and warehouse management. We serve multiple industries including manufacturing, distribution, retail, hospitality, food and beverage, professional services, and large equipment rental. Our team of experts provide full-service ERP implementation, integration, development, 24/7 support, and upgrade services. ArcherPoint is dedicated to helping companies realize true business value by giving them access to world-class ERP and cloud solutions that will grow with them to meet their needs now and in the future.