A Brief Definition of Time in Microsoft Dynamics NAV Manufacturing

In order to set up Routings in Dynamics NAV and understand their Cost Accounting effects, one needs to know how time is defined. In a Routing there are ‘Value Added Times’ and times just for scheduling purposes.  Value Added Times Setup Time – The time to set up a machine or to get ready to… Continue reading A Brief Definition of Time in Microsoft Dynamics NAV Manufacturing

Optimizing SQL Server Through the Parallelism Feature

There are many default values within SQL Server’s instance level properties that allow it to function well out of the box without extensive modification. Tweaking these values to your specific environment/workload can provide optimization and a deeper understanding of your system. Two features in particular, with slight modifications, can make a significant impact on your… Continue reading Optimizing SQL Server Through the Parallelism Feature

Using Send-Ahead Quantity in Microsoft Dynamics NAV Routings

From a production scheduling point of view, it may be advantageous to ‘overlap’ production steps to reduce the elapsed time to produce a lot of goods. From the APICS Dictionary Send-Ahead is the movement of a portion of a lot of material to a subsequent operation before completion of the current operation for all units… Continue reading Using Send-Ahead Quantity in Microsoft Dynamics NAV Routings

Item Substitutions in Microsoft Dynamics NAV

There are times in a manufacturing company where substitute items that are not on the Bill of Material are OK to use if the preferred item is not available. Often this substitution has to be approved by an engineer and is usually in the form of a ‘Usage Variance’. If substitutions are a common event,… Continue reading Item Substitutions in Microsoft Dynamics NAV

What are Rounding Value Entries in Microsoft Dynamics NAV?

We received a question recently from a client about an unexpected and unexplained Rounding Value Entry that was created by the Adjust Cost – Item Entries program in Dynamics NAV. The Rounding Value Entry was associated with a Purchase Receipt that was made several months before the Rounding Value Entry was created. The Purchase Receipt… Continue reading What are Rounding Value Entries in Microsoft Dynamics NAV?

Ensuring All Items are Posted When Using a Nightly Batch Job

  Running Adjust Cost-Item Entries and Posting Cost to G/L in Microsoft Dynamics NAV Whether you use the Dynamics NAV automatic features to run the Adjust Cost-Item Entries and Post Cost to G/L processes during nightly batches or run them manually, nearly all of the time these processes work correctly and produce the correct results.… Continue reading Ensuring All Items are Posted When Using a Nightly Batch Job

Hints on Navigating on an Item Ledger Entry in Microsoft Dynamics NAV

We frequently use the Dynamics NAV Navigate tool and Microsoft Excel to verify Item Ledger Entry postings to the General Ledger. When Navigating on an Item Ledger Entry that involves both a purchase receipt and a purchase invoice, you must do two Navigations to see all of the General Ledger postings. We start our scenario… Continue reading Hints on Navigating on an Item Ledger Entry in Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Tracking Non-Conforming Material in Microsoft Dynamics NAV

We am often asked how to track non-conforming material in Dynamics NAV. There is no formal NCMR (Non-conforming Material Report) functionality in Dynamics NAV, but we have handled non-conforming material by creating a location named MRB (Material Review Board) and moving material in and out of that location. Some people would name this location “Quarantine”,… Continue reading Tracking Non-Conforming Material in Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Understanding Expected Cost Posting in Microsoft Dynamics NAV

There is an Inventory Setup in Dynamics NAV to select “Expected Cost Posting”. In an earlier blog, we explained some of general Effects of Inventory Setup. In this blog we will go deeper into Expected Cost Posting, and  explain what it means and its effects. Figure 1 – Inventory Setup contains an option to select… Continue reading Understanding Expected Cost Posting in Microsoft Dynamics NAV