Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 RDLC Reporting RBC Attacks: Part 1 of 10

Ask any NAV developer and they can tell you exactly what an RDLC brain cramp feels like. It is a pain behind the eyes that causes you to want to stare into space for hours, and bite the heads off innocent gummy bears. This intense pain is preceded by hours wasted searching one forum after… Continue reading Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 RDLC Reporting RBC Attacks: Part 1 of 10

The User Story Has Not Been Accepted and I am Thinking Crazy Thoughts

I constantly ask teams why user stories were not accepted during their previous sprints.  Often, the teams are not sure, sometimes it is because the product owner was unaware that the story was available for review, and at times it is because the team just did not get around to finishing the work. I next… Continue reading The User Story Has Not Been Accepted and I am Thinking Crazy Thoughts

Virtually There

A lot of companies, ArcherPoint included, are allowing employees to work remotely. Webinars and other virtual events are more common than ever (nearly all ArcherPoint’s events are remote, and with employees throughout the country, remote communication is part of our culture). Today, both public and private high schools and colleges are offering online classes –… Continue reading Virtually There