The Good, the Bad, and the Cue Stack

The Good, the Bad, and the Cue Stack

The cue stack is the area on your role center that indicates the number of documents that need to be addressed by the user. There is a new feature in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 that allows a user to identify what is good, bad, and simply OK on the cue stacks.

In the picture below, the tile indicating the number of open sales orders, is a cue stack.

Image 1 – Screenshot showing various cue stacks

As a User

In NAV 2015, as a user you can customize the tiles to not only display the values, you can add colors to indicate if the values displayed on the tile is good, acceptable, or bad. (NAV uses the terms Favorable, Ambiguous, or Unfavorable). Good is displayed as Green; Bad is Red; and Yellow is Ambiguous.

To setup the cue stack for you as an individual, you do the following:

  1. Open the Role Center, Activities part.
  2. Select the Set Up Cues item, above the Cue Stacks.
  3. This will open a page where you can setup two threshold values and decide how you want to display the values below Threshold 1, between Threshold 1 and 2, and above Threshold 2.

Figure 2 – Editing the Cue setup

As an Administrator

As an administrator, you can also define the values that are acceptable for your company. To do this, you will need to open the Cue Setup from the Administration->Application Setup->General Menu.

Accessing the Cue setup for administrators

Figure 3 – Accessing the Cue setup for administrators

This will open the Cue setup for the Company that you want to define for your users.

View of the Cue setup screen

Figure 4 – View of the Cue setup screen

You simply need to choose the Table ID for the Cue stack, the Cue stack, and the thresholds. If you want the values to display for all users, leave the USER Name Blank. If you want to review the personalization that your users have set (or want to set new personalization for a user), you can define the user name.

The list below shows several examples of tables and fields that already have cue stacks available for an administrator to define the thresholds. For a more complete list, click here.

Examples of tables and fields that already have cue stacks available


Using Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 can be very helpful for your organization. The use of colors to define the Good, the Bad, and the OK, can be very helpful for both the administrator and the user. This is just another way that Dynamics NAV 2015 can help make your job a little easier. For more ideas on how to use NAV to make your lives a little easier, refer to the experts in Microsoft Dynamics NAV at ArcherPoint.

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