New Feature in Dynamics NAV 2016 Automates Deferral Process

In addition to the Preview Posting functionality in Dynamics NAV 2016 I blogged about previously, Microsoft has introduced a new feature called Deferrals. In short, this feature allows users to automate the process of deferring revenues and expenses over a pre-defined schedule. It’s actually very easy to use. All you have to do is enter… Continue reading New Feature in Dynamics NAV 2016 Automates Deferral Process

Signs and Portents From Within: Using the NAV System Indicator

If you’re working in a Microsoft Dynamics NAV environment with multiple companies or multiple NAV servers, it’s helpful to be able to quickly and easily tell which company or server you’re operating in. There’s a really easy to do this, and it uses the System Indicator fields in the Company Information table. If you pull… Continue reading Signs and Portents From Within: Using the NAV System Indicator

Making Upgrades Easier in NAV 2016: Using the Event Subscriber

Formerly codenamed “Corfu,” Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 – or version number 9.00—has just been released. There are many exciting new features, but my first blog focuses on the Event Subscriber functions, because they can help make upgrading to NAV 2016 easier. What are Event Subscriber functions? From the NAV Help documentation: Event subscribers determine what… Continue reading Making Upgrades Easier in NAV 2016: Using the Event Subscriber

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 Classic Client – How to Set Up the Job Queue

I’m often asked to schedule processes in Microsoft Dynamics NAV. This blog explains how to do so in the Classic Client. From MSDN: Job Queues in Dynamics NAV enable you to specify, request, and control when certain processes are run, such as the processing of a report or executing a codeunit. You enter your requests… Continue reading Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 Classic Client – How to Set Up the Job Queue

How to Use “Item Type” for Non-Stock Items

One of the least known features in Microsoft Dynamics NAV is the “Type” field on the item card. This is a new field that provides some functionality that did not previously exist in NAV. Most of us aren’t aware of this field because you don’t see it on the item card page. You can identify… Continue reading How to Use “Item Type” for Non-Stock Items