Options for Entering Package Dimensions Using Lanham E-Ship

Options for Entering Package Dimensions Using Lanham E-Ship

NOTE: This blog is part two of a two-part series. Be sure to read Part 1, Package Dimension Requirements when Shipping with Lanham E-Ship.

If you are using E-Ship by Lanham Associates, there are existing setup and processing options available to assist in entering dimensional information during shipment preparation.  This blog discusses the options available for specifying package dimensions and assumes the reader has a working knowledge of E-Ship.

Screens shots are shown using a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 client; however, the same options are available in the Classic Client, NAV 2009 RTC, and NAV 2015.  Features are dependent on your E-Ship version and most can be found as far back as SE0.53.33 and earlier.

Ultimately, the package dimensions need to end up on the Package Card, Dimensions Tab before the package rates are calculated. In older versions of E-Ship, these fields may reside on the Shipping Agent Options Card.

Notice in the example below that the item weight is 10 pounds, but the Calculation Weight on the General Tab is the calculated Dimensional weight of 12.

NOTE: Dim Weight is calculated by using (height x width x length)/166.

Example showing an item weight of 10 pounds, but a Calculation Weight of 12 pounds

Figure 1 – Example showing an item weight of 10 pounds, but a Calculation Weight of 12 pounds.

How do you get them there?

1) Directly edit the package card after items are entered, but before doing an E-Ship “Close Package” (//CP or //CPP) either through List Package (//LP) or View Package (//VP). When manually entering the values on the Package Card, set/populate the Override Dimensions flag as well as Override Length, Override Width and Override Height fields.

2) Have the user prompted for the dimensions when doing an E-Ship “Close Package” (//CP or //CPP). This option will prompt for the dimensions to be entered for every package closed. The Dimension Entry screen can be left blank as long as the Package Dimensions Required flag is not set in Shipping Setup or on the Shipping Agent.

Setting the Override Dimensions flag when manually entering values

Figure 2 – Setting the Override Dimensions flag when manually entering values.

To use this option, set the Manually Enter Dimensions option on the Packing Station card, General Tab.

Setting the Manually Enter Dimensions option on the Packing Station Card

Figure 3 – Setting the Manually Enter Dimensions option on the Packing Station Card.

3) When shipping in standard packages that contain the same item, the dimensions can be entered on the Item Unit Of Measure card for the UOM being packed. These values will be used to default the Package Values. The Use Unit of Measure Dimensions flag on the E-Ship Tab will need to be set.

Setting the Manually Enter Dimensions option on the Packing Station Card

Figure 4 – Use the Item Units of Measure card when shipping standard packages that contain the same item.

4) When shipping mixed items in standard box sizes, a bar code command can be created using Standard Options (a.k.a., X Options) that will set the Override Dimensions on a package. This command would be used during the Close Package process. A Standard Option can also be created that would combine the Override Dimensions and the Close Package Print into one bar code command.

Standard Option Setup

To set up a new Standard Option, use Departments/Administration/Application Setup/E-Ship (Shipping)/E-Ship/Standard Option Setups. From the Standard Option List, select New. Enter the desired values. In this example, we are setting the Override Dimensions check box as well as the Override Length, Width and Height. The Code used to create the Standard Option will end up being the barcode command with an’ X’ as the first character. For example, to use the following command, the Pack Line Scanning command would be //XB161210.

Setting the Manually Enter Dimensions option on the Packing Station Card

Figure 5 – Use the Standard Option Setup card to override dimensions.

Combining Commands using Standard Options

Standard Options can also be used to combine Packing Commands together. The new Standard Option would have the desired commands populated, in order, on the Command Tab.

Combining our Override Dimension X-Command (B161210) with a Close Package Print command would look as follows. Notice the Command for our Dimensions is //XB161210. To use our new combined command, the Pack Line Scanning command would be //XCPPB161210.

Example showing a combination of commands

Figure 6 – Example showing a combination of commands.

Refer to Package Dimension Requirements when Shipping with Lanham E-Ship for additional information on shipping requirements for package dimensions in Microsoft Dynamics NAV and Lanham Associate’s E-Ship.

Read more “How To” blogs from ArcherPoint for practical advice on using Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

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