Package Dimension Requirements when Shipping with Lanham E-Ship

Package Dimension Requirements when Shipping with Lanham E-Ship

NOTE: This blog is part one of a two-part series. Be sure to read Part 2, Options for Entering Package Dimensions Using Lanham E-Ship.

Beginning January of 2015, UPS and FedEx will be requiring package dimensions for 100% of packages shipped.  Previously, the dimensions were only required on Air shipments; however, the requirement is being expanded to include Ground shipments as well. The 3 cubic foot limit has also been removed.

The rate differences and potential charge backs for not complying with this new requirement can be costly. If you are using E-Ship by Lanham Associates, there are existing setup and processing options available to assist in entering dimensional information during shipment preparation.  This article discusses the available Setup Options. After reviewing this article, please refer to the blog Options for Entering Package Dimensions Using Lanham E-Ship for procedural tips and tricks for getting dimensions entered.

NOTE : A minor code change is required to support this change. Please refer to your Partner or solution provider for instructions on this change.

NOTE: The following instructions assume a working knowledge of E-Ship.

The first step in preparing your shipping department for this change is to turn on the Package Dimensions Required Flag. This option has been available since version SE0.53.33. Setting this flag will cause E-Ship Close Package commands (//CP and //CPP) to verify dimensions exist on the Package Card prior to closing the package and calculating the rate. If there are no dimensions entered, a message will be displayed and the package will not close.

The Package Dimensions Required flag can be set in two places.

Shipping Setup

Setting the Package Dimensions Required flag to YES in Shipping Setup will assure that every package shipped from your location(s) has dimensions entered, regardless of the shipping agent.

From a Classic Client:

From the Shipping & Receiving menu, select Shipping, Setup, Shipping Setup, General Tab.

Shipping Setup General tab in Microsoft Dynamics NAV Classic Client

Figure 1 – Shipping Setup General tab in Microsoft Dynamics NAV Classic Client.

From a Role Tailored Client on NAV 2009, NAV 2013 or NAV 2015:

From an Admin Role Center, select Departments/Administration/Application Setup/E-Ship (Shipping)/E-Ship/Shipping Setup, General fast tab.

E-Ship > Shipping Setup tab in Microsoft Dynamics NAV RTC” src=”” style=”width: 600px; height: 603px;”><br />
<br /><em>Figure 2 – E-Ship > Shipping Setup tab in Microsoft Dynamics NAV RTC.</em></p>
<h2>Shipping Agent</h2>
<p>Setting the Package Dimensions Required flag to YES in Shipping Agent (only) will assure that every package shipped using that Shipping Agent has dimensions entered.</p>
<p><strong>From a Classic Client:</strong></p>
<p>From the Shipping & Receiving menu, select Shipping, Setup, Shipping Agent, Carriers Tab.</p>
<p><img width=

Figure 3 – Setting the Package Dimensions Required flag in Microsoft Dynamics NAV Classic Client.

From a Role Tailored Client on NAV 2009, NAV 2013 or NAV 2015:

From an Admin Role Center, select Departments/Administration/Application Setup/E-Ship (Shipping)/E-Ship/Shipping Agents. From the Shipping Agent Listing, Edit the appropriate shipping agents. The flag is found on the Carriers fast tab.

Setting the Package Dimensions Required flag in Microsoft Dynamics NAV RTC

Figure 4 – Setting the Package Dimensions Required flag in Microsoft Dynamics NAV RTC.

Refer to Options for Entering Package Dimensions Using Lanham E-Ship for additional information on processing options for entering dimensional information during shipping.

Read more “How To” blogs from ArcherPoint for practical advice on using Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

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