Why Your ERP Upgrade Strategy Should Be Subscription-Based

Why Your ERP Upgrade Strategy Should Be Subscription-Based

An Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system can be the tool that gives your company the competitive edge. Most companies spend a lot of time and money selecting and implementing the right ERP system, and then stop. Having a plan to upgrade that ERP investment to the next level, and the next level, and the next level, is not even on the radar. On top of everything, you pay annual enhancement fees to Microsoft and get nothing in return if you aren’t taking advantage of new releases every year. After time, the organizational theme is that the ERP system is just there; it provides no excitement or room for improvement. Without an ERP upgrade strategy, we forget the power of the tool.

Your ERP system should be seen and used for what it is: a powerful tool that can continually provide operational efficiencies, performance enhancements, and reporting significance. Having a plan to stay current and to implement new functionality on an ongoing basis will keep your ERP system fresh, keep your users thinking about ways to streamline processes, and allow you to take advantage of new technologies as they arise. Have a plan to be on the latest version of the software and to have a team poised to implement incremental efficiencies.

Outdated Infrastructure, Older Technologies, and Acceptance of Status Quo

As technology changes and new features and functionality are added to an ERP system, older outdated software just cannot keep up. Older ERP systems lack the most recent code changes and capabilities, making adoption of newer business techniques difficult if not impossible. To combat that, companies often adopt a resigned acceptance of the status quo, typically marked with manual and less than streamlined processes.

By accepting the status quo of an outdated ERP system, companies are forced to create work-arounds, and/or develop time-consuming, error-prone, manual processes. For example, instead of having the ability to automate invoicing (i.e., electronic invoicing), a company may be required to create each individual invoice manually turning a relatively immediate process that can work in the background into an all-consuming half-day process.

As companies grow with new employees, new systems, and multiple locations, the task of extending an outdated ERP’s reach can become arduous. Yet communication and automated process flows become even more significant. Your ERP system needs to keep up. By using an upgrade subscription model, having the wherewithal to grow and extend, and to realize new capabilities would happen on an on-going basis are key. Moreover, when software upgrades happen regularly, a company can be confident they are never missing any infrastructure updates and their data is secure.

An ERP system can be what helps take your business to the next level of growth. Ensure you are staying abreast of the technology enhancements that become available. See your ERP system for what it is: a powerful tool that can continually provide operational efficiencies, performance enhancements, reporting significance. Remember the time and money you put in to select the right ERP system. Continue to see the benefits of that effort and get on an upgrade subscription plan so you can ease the pain of change.

For more information on the benefits of a comprehensive upgrade subscription plan, options ArcherPoint’s upgrade subscription plan offers, and how to keep pace with the technology, contact an ArcherPoint upgrade expert today to find out how we can help or request your free upgrade quote today.

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