NAV: Kit BOM on Sales Order Does Not Match Item Card

NAV: Kit BOM on Sales Order Does Not Match Item Card

Recently, I had a support question come across my desk asking why inventory was not showing correctly for “Qty. on Kit Sales Lines” for items with kit components. After a little investigation, my colleagues and I uncovered that the inventory was showing correctly, but the Kit Bill of Material (BOM) was removed from the Item Card, causing confusion.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV, formally Navision, was developed to keep the kit lines on the sales order when a Kit Item Bill of Material was changed or removed on the Item Card. The sales order does not get updated, and you may ask why. The reason for this discrepancy is that you have already released and committed orders. To make changes to the sales orders would result in incorrect deliveries to your customers.

Example: Observing the kit lines staying on the Sales Order when the Kit Item BOM has been deleted:

  1. Find an item with a Kit BOM on the Item Card and with the “Automatic Build Kit BOM” checked.
  2. Create a sales order with that Item that has the Kit BOM.
  3. While on the line of the Kit Item, select the line button > Kit Lines. Notice the kit lines are associated with the order.
  4. Go to the Item Card and remove the Kit BOM.
  5. Open the sales order that you created and review the kit lines for the Kit Item. Notice that the kit lines remain.

If you have any further questions on items with BOM/kit components, contact ArcherPoint. Also, read more blogs by Jamie Hanno, or for more information on topics related to Microsoft Dynamics NAV, read our expert team members’ blogs.

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