ArcherPoint Dynamics NAV Developer Digest - vol 50

ArcherPoint Dynamics NAV Developer Digest - vol 50

The ArcherPoint technical staff—made up of developers, project managers, and consultants – is constantly communicating internally, with the goal of sharing helpful information with one another.

As they run into issues and questions, find the answers, and make new discoveries, they post them companywide on Yammer for everyone’s benefit. We in Marketing watch these interactions and never cease to be amazed by the creativity, dedication, and brainpower we’re so fortunate to have in this group—so we thought, wouldn’t it be great to share them with the rest of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Community? So, the ArcherPoint Microsoft Dynamics NAV Developer Digest was born. Each week, we present a collection of thoughts and findings from the ArcherPoint staff. We hope these insights will benefit you, too.

Business Intelligence OLAP Cubes from Jet Reports

This is a great introduction to the topic of Business Intelligence, specifically what OLAP Cubes and cube reporting are (they are not, technically, “cubes”) and how the features of a BI database differs from a traditional relational database.

JetReports BI Education Series: OLAP Cubes 101

There is also an associated blog, OLAP Cubes 101, to accompany the video.

Also, check out ArcherPoint’s blog, If I Want to Build a Data Warehouse, Do I Go to Home Depot?

“Editable” page field property:

Here’s an interesting tidbit about the page field property “Editable”. You can set it to false to prevent the user from being able to edit the contents of the field…unless the field is a Short Cut Dimension (Dimensions 3-8). Since these are not on the record, but handled through code, making “Editable” = FALSE just makes it “look” like it’s not editable. You can still change it. The solution: The “ENABLED” property can be set to FALSE to prevent the user from being able to even place the cursor focus on it. (NAV 2013 R2).

Dara Daly shared an article about the length of copy that is appropriate for a company’s home page:

Which Copy Is Best for Your Home Page?

This is a good article that points out that Google is looking at the length of copy on your home page when considering page rank. But more importantly, your visitors are as well. They want to know about your product and how it can help them solve their problems. So, in opposition to many SEO posts, longer copy is actually preferred over shorter copy.

From the article:

Properly built, a home page will boost brand awareness, customer acquisition, and overall growth of a website. Does yours?

Keeping each of the above components in mind will result in streamlined copy targeted at your readers’ needs and concerns. Write long, but stay interesting, actionable, and concise, and both your customers and Google’s algorithm will love you.

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