ArcherPoint Dynamics NAV Developer Digest - vol 57
The ArcherPoint technical staff—made up of developers, project managers, and consultants—is constantly communicating internally, with the goal of sharing helpful information with one another.
As they run into issues and questions, find the answers, and make new discoveries, they post them companywide on Yammer for everyone’s benefit. We in Marketing watch these interactions and never cease to be amazed by the creativity, dedication, and brainpower we’re so fortunate to have in this group—so we thought, wouldn’t it be great to share them with the rest of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Community? So, the ArcherPoint Microsoft Dynamics NAV Developer Digest was born. Each week, we present a collection of thoughts and findings from the ArcherPoint staff. We hope these insights will benefit you, too.
Kyle Hardin on RTC personalizations across multiple companies:
Has anyone attempted to make RTC personalization work across multiple companies? For one client, we are going to have 40+ companies and we are trying to figure out a way to avoid having to set up the user experience 40 times. I suppose I could code everything in pages, so the role center and related pieces parts are pre-determined…
Matt Traxinger: The User Personalization table has a Company field. You could either have them only personalize a master company and run a synch routine or add a trigger to copy the BLOB (personalizations are stored as XML) to the other company records for that User SID. The trigger route might add some overhead for performance.
Kyle Hardin: Is it possible to configure one user in one company and then copy that to other users in other companies?
Matt Traxinger: Yep, open it in configuration mode and you can do it for anyone who uses that Role Center. Appearance is a combination of code, global personalization, and user personalization.
How to: Open the RoleTailored Client in Configuration Mode
Jon Long: Just be aware when copying from a test db to Production. At least when upgrading. There are some serious blockers in some scenarios. See the link below.
Editor’s note: See Jon’s post in the Dev Digest vol 53, migrating personalization and profile metadata.
Saravanan Shanmugam on developing RDLC reports:
While developing Document kind of RDLC reports, we may want to reset/initialize to “1” PageNumber when you run the report for multiple documents. This can be accomplished in couple of ways:
Mehtod I : Out of Box Solution from NAV
We need to define the VB functions below:
Shared offset as Integer
public Shared newPage as Object
Shared currentgroup1 as Object
Shared currentgroup2 as Integer
Public Function GetGroupPageNumber(NewPage as Boolean, pagenumber as Integer) as Object
If NewPage then
offset = pagenumber – 1
End If
Return pagenumber – offset
End Function
Public Function IsNewPage(group1 as Object,ByVal group2 as Integer) As Boolean
NewPage = FALSE
If Not (group1 = currentgroup1)
newPage = TRUE
currentgroup1 = group1
currentgroup2 = group2
If ( group2 <> currentgroup2) then
newPage = TRUE
currentgroup2 = group2
End If
End if
Return NewPage
End Function
After that, we can call the function in any textbox at Page Header/Footer =code.GetGroupPageNumber(Code.IsNewPage(“Need to pass Document No. here”,”Need to Pass Copy No. here”),Globals!PageNumber)
Figure 1: Screenshot of the Out of the Box solution – Method I
Method II: Group Properties Level
There is a built-in property available in Visual Studio, “Reset PageNumber”. Refer the screenshot below.
Figure 2: Screenshot of the Group Properties Level – Method II
Faithie Robertson shared an article on the upcoming release of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016:
There are some exciting innovations coming in the next release of Microsoft Dynamics NAV (“Corfu”).
Some of the highlights include:
- An enhanced Office 365 experience, which works natively with Power BI
- An enhanced “on” Azure experience, which works natively with Azure SQL
- Usability enhancements in Windows for desktops, tablets “and NOW phone”
- That NAV 2016 will work natively with CRM Online
- e-Everything; electronic invoicing, OCR, and the ability of third parties to add in their own data sources (e.g., exchange rate lookup)
- Workflow enhancements including process automation, which allows easy customization via events introduced into C/AL (business language)
- Finance functionalities including posting preview, deferrals and Positive Pay (for US)
- Engineering, including a test automation suite available to partners, and releases every year with updates every month.
Read the entire article: Make Way for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016
ArcherPoint CEO, Greg Kaupp, authored a guest article for Vistage:
ArcherPoint’s summer internship program is part of ArcherPoint’s effort to groom new talent for the IT industry. Now in its second year, the internship program has proven to be a win-win-win: giving the students hands-on practical experience in their field of study, giving the IT industry experienced graduates without having to resort to outsourcing and off-shoring jobs, and providing our clients with access to our mentored interns for their projects.
ArcherPoint’s CEO, Greg Kaupp, writes about the program for Vistage:
“Our first year we decided to run a 12-week internship program with the first three weeks designed as a boot camp to introduce students to our business and industry. We were surprised by how fearless and willing the interns were to take on whatever challenge we presented to them after a brief period of training. We were even more surprised by how quickly our interns began delivering real value to our clients as well as making significant contributions to our internal projects.”
Read the entire article: How a Partnership with the University of Minnesota is Helping Win the War for Talent
If you are interested in NAV development, check out our collection of NAV Development Blogs.
For step-by-step instructions on how to perform specific tasks in Microsoft Dynamics NAV, see our collection of How-To blogs.
If you found this post useful, you might also be interested to read through our archive of the Dynamics NAV Developer Digest.