ArcherPoint’s Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 Favorites
With all the talk of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 swirling in the community, we took to our own community here at ArcherPoint to see what our developers and internal end users are most excited about. Yes that’s right; we too use NAV and have made the upgrade to NAV 2015. We shared some of our favorite upgrades in a previous infographic, but more comments were made and we thought we should share them with rest of the community.
My favorite is the new Codeunit type for Upgrades. It’s not just for upgrades, though; it allows you to run any code you want automatically when deploying objects. So, if there is any data manipulation required to use a new modification, you can do it all in one step with this. – Matt Traxinger
From a user standpoint, I love the Show Posted Document feature. Use it all the time! – Anne Lennox
I love the function of doing Ctrl-E on a highlighted entry so that it sends the line items straight to Excel if I need to work with it in that format. – Janet Thompson
Plus, if you missed it in our previous post:
My favorite so far is Document Reporting (Integration between NAV and Microsoft Word) – Suresh Kulla
Which was then seconded:
I’m with Suresh; I love the MS Word integration for editing documents. For non-developers such as myself, this is a great feature! – Tom Marshello
Another crowd pleaser, this time for developers:
My top new feature in NAV 2015 is AMU! It’s the Application Merge Utility cmdlets. Although not complete yet, they open up for so many possibilities for automation and much faster upgrades, as well as implementation of monthly cumulative updates. – Helle Madsen
I’m with Helle. The coolest thing I know about is the automated merging features. It takes a lot of the grunt work out of upgrades and add-on installs. – Tom Hunt
Are you using NAV 2015? If so, what is your favorite feature?
Not on NAV 2015, but wishing you were? What aspect makes you want to upgrade the most?
Find out more about how ArcherPoint can help you with your Dynamics NAV upgrade.