NAV Coffee Break: Dynamics NAV 2017 Database Locks Viewer Page

How many times has this happened to you…you are working in Dynamics NAV 2017 and ready to save the customer record you have been editing and NAV gives you an error message? It says it cannot save the record because that record is locked. It can be maddening. This short video walks you through how to determine who has locked the record. Once you know the “who” you can take this information and figure out the “why” so you can get back to your work.
You can view this video and many other video tutorials for Dynamics NAV at ArcherPoint’s YouTube Channel.
For your convenience, a transcript of this video follows:
Hi everybody.
I just wanted to show you today how the NAV 2017 database locks viewer page works.
Of course, in order to do that I have to first set up a lock.
So, I’ve done that through a little set of code and locked the customer table.
It’ll unlock when I click this so we’re going to hold off on doing that.
I’m going to come into another version, or instance, of the NAV 2017 client and I’m going to just edit the customer record.
So, let’s just change his name a bit and try to close out of that.
And, as we see, we’re being delayed while I try to operate within the lock… and can’t.
The operation could not complete because a record in the customer table was locked by another user.
Ah! Go figure. Okay.
So, if we come into the development client and we use tools, debugger, database lock, it will show us who has locked the table and the code unit that was running and the number that is locking that table.
And now, what would we do if you’re in a large company and you have a hundred different people and you’re seeing job after job get locked?
When you see this one which is locking the sequel lock request has been granted, then you would go to this person and maybe not, you know, cause bodily harm, but you would probably inquire “Why are they running this? And how long will it take? Is it going to finish soon? Could you run it after hours?”
Those kind of conversations can happen to make sure that the database locks don’t continue.
And that’s all for today.
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