NAV Coffee Break: New Feature of Dynamics NAV 2017-Report Settings

Report Settings is a new feature of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017. This new technology allows you to create and save canned filters on reports, any report, within Dynamics NAV. Having the ability to create and save report filters can help save time and improve efficiency in your day-to-day NAV use. While this feature works for any report you use, in this video, Gwen demonstrates setting up filters for the trial balance report.
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Welcome to today’s Coffee Break. Today’s lesson is on a new feature that’s available in NAV 2017 called Report Settings and what report settings do is they let you pre-filter – actually let you save filters on reports. So what I’m going to do is show you the trial balance and we’re going to set up some canned filters that we might want when we’re running our trial balance report.
So the first thing I do is I’m going to show you the trial balance and detail summary. So right now, it looks like your standard trial balance. I’m going to preview it. I’ve filtered out my inventory items or my inventory accounts. Let me just close this and I’m just going to run it again and I want to show you something that pops up. You may notice this when you get your 2017 out of the box.
You get this new box at the top that says “saved settings”. So right now, it says “last used options and filters,” and if I click on the dropdown, there are no other choices. So what it does is it’s just keeping track of the last information that I filtered on. In this case, my inventory accounts. What I can do though is I can create additional filters. So I’m just going to go up here to Report Settings and this is found in the – under administration, application set-ups, general and report settings or you can just do the search for report settings.
So what has happened is because I ran that report, it’s actually listed in these report settings with my last filter. What I want to do is create a new filtered, pre-filtered trial balance and just so you know, as you run each report in the system, this particular table will become more and more populated with those different report IDs.
So if you want to preview a report and then you decide you want to come in here, once you’ve previewed it, you will see it listed in here. So I’m going to go ahead and copy this number, the report ID, and I’m just going to do New and we will do one for accounts receivable, same report.
But now what I want to do is I want to click on Modify. So I’m going to change my accounts to be my accounts receivable accounts. We will do domestic and we will do foreign. There we go. For the date filter, I’m going to do from the beginning of time up until the last date in my test database here.
The other thing I like to do is I don’t like to see entries that were booked directly to the GL, usually because I’m comparing this to my accounts receivables reports. So I’m going to need to go ahead and put an additional filter here for my source code and say I don’t want to see anything that was booked directly to these accounts through the general journal. I just click OK.
So that’s preset. Now I’m going to do the same thing for accounts payable. Same report. Different filters. Again I modify and I’m going to put in my accounts receivable accounts. I’m going to do foreign and domestic. There we go. My same date filters. You don’t have to put in a date filter. You can leave as blank. I’m just showing you, you have different options here and again I will do my source type – sorry, my source code, not equal to general journal.
OK. So let’s go back to the trial balance, detail and summary, and now I have a list of options in my saved settings dropdown box. If I choose Accounts Payable, that information in the filter box gets updated according to the filters that I set in the report settings. Now when I preview it, I will see only my accounts payable accounts just like I wanted to see. That’s it. You can do that for any report in the system.
You can actually use permissions to assign it to different people. But I just wanted to sort of introduce this new technology to you that’s available in NAV 2017. A lot of people have been asking this for many, many years. So they will be very happy to see this. I hope you enjoyed this and take advantage of it. That concludes our lesson on setting up report settings.
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