Dynamics NAV Deep-Dive: Sales Line Availability Information
I am frequently asked to explain the availability information in NAV. This blog will explain, in detail, what exactly the availability information is that displays on the sales order and will cover each item listed in the “Sales Line Details” fact box shown below.
At a high level: the information is intended to show the user how much inventory is expected to be available on the day the sales line is expected to ship. To do so, the information is calculated by placing Location and Shipment Date filters on the related tables.
One of the most common questions asked is, “Why doesn’t the Scheduled Receipt field show purchase orders with receipt dates out into the future?”. The reason: those purchase lines won’t be received by the scheduled ship date, so they are not included in the Sales Line Details fact box.
Item Availability
This field uses the location code and shipment date to calculate how much inventory should be available in the sales line location. It reflects the inventory that should be available on the date the order is scheduled to ship based on Inventory, Purchase Orders, and Sales Orders. It is calculated by doing the following:
- Calculates the quantity on hand in the location on the sales line.
- Calculates the total of the purchase order lines and transfer order lines scheduled to be received into that location prior to the sales order’s ship date.
- Calculates the total of all sales order and transfer order lines scheduled to ship from that location on or before this sales order’s ship date,
- Calculates the total of all reservations for sales orders with a ship date greater than this order’s ship date, which is reserved against existing inventory or purchase order scheduled to be delivered prior to this order’s ship date.
- Calculates the available inventory by adding Steps 1 and 2, and then subtracting steps 3 and 4.
In other words, it adds inventory on-hand and all inbound orders expected to arrive before this ship date, and subtracts from it all demand that is supposed to ship from this location on or before this ship date.
Available Inventory
This is the inventory that is on-hand, less any reservations that have been committed to this inventory.
Scheduled Receipt
This is the sum of all Purchase Order lines that are scheduled to be received on or before the scheduled ship date for this Sales Order line.
Reserved Receipt
This is the sum of the reservations against Purchase Order lines that are scheduled to be received on or before this Sales Order line’s ship date.
Gross Requirement
This is the sum of all Sales Order lines scheduled to ship on or before this Sales Order line’s ship date.
Reserve Requirement
This is the sum of all reservations that exist for this item in the location this item is shipping from.
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