ERP vs WMS: How to Make the Best of Both

ERP vs WMS: How to Make the Best of Both

As you search for software for your distribution company, you may begin to wonder if you should be looking for an ERP system or a WMS (Warehouse Management System). Many distributors have similar questions, as well as: what’s the difference, can one do the job of both, should we get both, and how do they work together?

While picking and choosing can be a hard decision, many distributors choose to go with an ERP system since it helps them manage more than just their warehouse. Plus, many ERP systems allow for the WMS to be integrated with the system to give distributors everything they need to manage their business in one software and one database – critical for real-time business analytics and data accuracy. Microsoft Dynamics NAV is one of those ERP systems that helps distributors (more than 30,000 of them so far) get that real-time insight. Combined with a WMS, Dynamics NAV is a powerful solution that every distributor who is evaluating software should consider. Use the infographic below to learn how Dynamics NAV and WMS can help your business.

Want to see what Dynamics NAV and WMS would look like for your business? Schedule a demo today! Or, learn more about Dynamics NAV for distributors.

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