Finding Serenity in Microsoft Dynamics NAV
I have been studying Kung Fu and Tai Chi for the last several years and though I will never be a master or black belt, I thoroughly enjoy the workout and the mindfulness training it brings.
One of the greatest and most surprising results of participating in martial arts has been the results I see in my work. As a Financial Analyst here at ArcherPoint, one would think that Kung Fu has little to offer my regular workday. However, it has taught me to find calm in moments where the day seems overwhelmingly busy or chaotic. Breathing, tension release, and the awareness to focus my mind on one task fully has brought me greater success in my projects and reduced anxiety with daunting tasks.
Focus becomes a powerful tool to accomplishment by simply slowing one’s breathing and making a point to focus wholly and to be truly engaged. Instead of allowing the interruptions of constant email notifications to distract me, I stay true to my project at hand and schedule times in my day for breaks when I check email or make phone calls. This has greatly reduced my stress.
Another way I have reduced stress and found some serenity in my work is through the easy to use accounting features in Microsoft Dynamics NAV. I have worked on many different accounting software platforms before encountering Dynamics NAV and none of them offered a relaxed, simple operation to accounting the way NAV has done. With other software, I have experienced convoluted systems to perform basic tasks like bank reconciliations, categorizing the chart of accounts, computing commissions, tracking invoices and more.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV provides easy to use entry systems, reporting, categorization, and much more. One of the reasons I enjoy NAV so much is that I never have to use my stress reducing techniques and breathing when I use it. NAV works smoothly and efficiently, never asking me to do frustrating work arounds; it instead provides straightforward and logical structures to get all the accounting and back office work done right.
To see some demonstrations of the simple, stress free use of Microsoft Dynamics NAV visit our YouTube channel. Here you will find a plethora of videos that will show how easy Dynamics NAV is to use; each task can be explained in the time it takes to have a cup of coffee. Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel too so you will never miss an update.
For more on how ArcherPoint can help you find accounting serenity, or even just reduce overall workday stress and frustration by switching to Microsoft Dynamics NAV, contact us today.