How to Use Filters in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

How to Use Filters in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

This brief video shows Business Central users how to set filters, save, and remove them for increased productivity and work focus.

The steps are:

  1. Open the page that you want to filter.
  2. Click on the Filter icon on the top right corner of the page.
  3. Select the field you want to filter by and enter the criteria.
  4. Click on the Apply Filter button to apply the filter.
  5. To save the filter, click the Save Filter button and enter a name for the filter.
  6. To remove the filter, click on the Remove Filter button.

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Video transcript

Hello, my name is Matthew Dusenberry, and I am one of our project managers here at ArcherPoint. I wanted to put together a quick video to show you how you can do some basic filtering in Business Central, as well as save what’s called views, so that once you have those filters set up, you don’t necessarily have to do them again. So, I’m going to go through a couple of basic examples here. So when we drill into the items here, you can see, for example, you’ve got some information over here regarding views and regarding the ability to search. For the sake of starting over, I’ll clear that out. And then you’ve got a couple of different buttons up here. Number one is we can turn these on right here with this little filter thing. And then, if we click here, this will give you an option.

If you have some previous filters in here, you can save them, and it will show you the filter you had set up before. So let’s go ahead and put this in motion here. So right here, I’m going to go ahead and do a filter. So you can see here that I essentially get an option to set a filter for anything that’s in this list view, right? So if I’m in the items, for example, right now, let’s just say that I want to search for quantity on hand. For example, I can put a five in here and search by quantity of five. So, if I want to go ahead and see what I have on hand, I can say I’m looking at something greater than zero. So you can see here, right, I was able to filter this, which is showing me everything in here that’s greater than zero.

I can do other things in this filter, right? I can say I only want to see items that have 10, and I can also drill into this a little bit further as well. I could search by other attributes or fields here I may want to search by. Please give me a list of everything greater than zero, and we’ll just say with the price of greater than zero as well. So let me show you then how to save that view here. So, if we were looking at the quantity on hand and again using our example of greater than zero, I can see my list here, and then I can save this. The system is going to prompt you to name it. So, we’ll just say items, not zero. Notice how it gives me the currently larger items than zero on here.

Another area that you can do this is when you start looking at your ledger entries. So this will look like your item ledger entries. This could be your vendor ledger entries, your GL entries, and such. Conceptually, we’re looking at the same thing here. We can click this little button here to turn on our search, and then what we can do is start slicing our data, right? So, for example, because I’m on the item ledger entries page, I’m going to get everything right that has an item ledger. But let’s just say that I’m only interested in transfer shipments. So if I’m going to look at document type and then this one is dropped down driven, I can go ahead and put transfer. Let’s do a transfer receipt and notice my list only shows this. And then again, if I want to save this for myself, we’ll go ahead and give it a name.

And then what we’ll do is to demonstrate kind of the fact that you only must do this once. We will navigate out. And what we can do is we can go back in, and then when you do go back in here, it’s going to default to that standard view, but I can click the view that I created based on my filtering, and I see what I set it to be. Now, the one important thing to call out here is even though I filtered this, for example, with these two lines in here, as more entries are created, if this were, say, your live production environment, this list would grow. You don’t have to set these filters each time to pull in updated transactions or items and such. You can set it and forget it, and it should update with the data based on the filters that you have. And if you find that this filter is no longer beneficial, you can remove it. If you have any other questions on this or anything else related to Business Central, please reach out to the ArcherPoint team and we’ll be happy to help. Thank you.

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