Why Cysiv Chose Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Why Cysiv Chose Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Doesn’t Require Tricky Modifications to Fit the Bill

Finding the right solution to solve business problems is a challenge nobody is immune from. Even sophisticated technology companies struggle with issues around business processes, customer service, security…the list goes on. Regardless of the challenge, a modern ERP solution should be the foundation–and as such, the first system to upgrade or replace–of any business technology strategy.

A Cybersecurity Provider Seeks a Modern ERP To Meet Unique Demands

Cybersecurity is a rapidly growing threat to businesses of all sizes and industries–so much so that the month of October has been dedicated to Cybersecurity Awareness. ArcherPoint client Cysiv is in the business of helping enterprises fight cyber-attacks and data breaches with advanced, 24/7 threat detection and response via a next-generation security platform and an expert team that acts as a seamless, remote extension of their clients’ IT/security teams.

While the company had standardized on Microsoft 365 for office productivity and had used Microsoft Dynamics NAV, it was clear that a more modern ERP solution was needed to meet very specific demands with a lot riding on them. They assumed customizations–even though Barry Hedrick, Director of Finance & Operations considered that a “four-letter word”–would be required, so a solution that could meet 80 percent of their requirements AND the right partner to take them the rest of the way was the goal.

The new ERP solution needed to be:

  • Out of the box with strong finance and accounting functionality
  • Cloud based
  • Easy to use
  • Scalable
  • Single-instance global capable
  • Advanced enough to be designed, implemented, and launched quickly

Even with Unique Demands, Business Central Delivers Out Of The Box

While going with a SaaS modern ERP was, for a high-tech security company, a no-brainer, the question came down to which ERP to choose. In the end, rejected Oracle NetSuite for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central SaaS and ArcherPoint because they trusted both to hit that 100-percent mark.

The big surprise, however, came when ArcherPoint’s team assessed the situation and determined that Business Central could deliver even on the most challenging and unique requirements with ZERO CUSTOMIZATIONS. It was hard to imagine, considering the business Cysiv is in, but the Business Central solution was indeed designed, implemented, and launched in Cysiv’s three entities across the U.S. and Canada in just two months.

As for the list of requirements for their modern ERP, the boxes have been checked. Business Central, according to Hedrick, is indeed easy to use. “… I needed to … customize the invoice to be able to have lines from a customer’s two divisions listed separately on the same invoice. In one hour, I had a customized invoice because it wasn’t about the layout; it was about the way data is brought into Business Central.”

Business Central as a modern ERP is also easy from a back-end perspective without losing its power. Copying and testing a database can be done in seconds and works exactly as expected at go live. The ability to spin up an environment, test a change, and go live quickly was “huge…and a very pleasant surprise. I wasn’t expecting that at all.”

Even accurate reporting that includes numbers from complex processes like consolidations is fast and accurate.

The Future Kicks Off With A Modern ERP

It’s not stopping their with Cysiv. next. Cysiv plans to continue working with ArcherPoint on projects around segregation of duties (SoD) and integrating Business Central with the company’s HR system. Then there is planned international expansion and growth, which will require a global system–and Business Central is ready.

Are you looking for the next generation of ERP to take your organization to the next level? You don’t have to go with a complex, price-prohibitive, cumbersome enterprise system…get the functionality and flexibility and scalability you need without sacrificing ease of use. Talk to ArcherPoint about your ERP requirements today.

Watch our webinar Demystifying Cybersecurity with ArcherPoint, where we pack a lot into 30 minutes, including endpoint management, password health, backups, end user education, and more.

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