Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018: Some New Features

Assisted Setup
Getting Dynamics NAV setup has never been easier. All the Settings are now available in a commonplace, Setup and Extensions, and has been added for the Business Manager and Accountant Role Centers. User can choose to use Assisted Setup or Manual Setup.
In the Manual Setup action group, each action refers to an area, such as General, Finance, and System.
Figure 1 – Assisted Setup Screen in Dynamics NAV 2018
Preconfigured Excel reports
To make using Excel more efficient, Microsoft has added a new option in the Business Manager and Accountant Role Centers: preconfigured Excel reports.
Figure 2 – Preconfigured Excel Report Options in Dynamics NAV 2018
User Tasks
To help improve productivity, Dynamics NAV 2018 provides the ability to track tasks as well as assign tasks to other users. The task-assigner can set the priority, start date, due date, etc. for each task.
Figure 3 –Â User Tasks in Dynamics NAV 2018
Employee Account Type
Again, in an effort to improve productivity and reporting, new account type and balancing account type ‘Employee’ has been added in the General Journal Line.
Figure 4 –Â Employee Account Type in Dynamics NAV 2018
Employee Ledger Entries
Greatly improving efficiencies, Dynamics NAV 2018 allows for posting of transactions directly against an employee. One no longer needs to create Vendor cards required for an employee.
Figure 5 –Â Employee Ledger Entries in Dynamics NAV 2018
Image Analyzer
Dynamics NAV 2018 includes a powerful image analytics extension, the Image Analyzer. This tool provides the ability to detect elements in the image added to contacts such as gender, age, etc., and items such as type or color.
ASP.Net Core
Dynamics Web Server components uses ASP.NET Core so the administrators can be configuring navsettings.json file instead of web.config.
API Library
Dynamics NAV 2018 API includes 44 entities, providing access to business entities related to core financial functionality, such as company information, journal entry, customer and vendor management, sales and purchasing documents, and financial reporting.
API Page Type
A new page type ‘API’ has been added to design web service API endpoints to make designing easier.
Universal App
Dynamics NAV can now run on holographic devices, such as Microsoft HoloLens, and on team collaboration devices such as Microsoft Surface Hub, making the software more usable.
This latest release of Dynamics NAV, NAV 2018, has a plethora of new features and functionality empowering users to be more efficient, productive, and able to scale their businesses easier. This blog touched on only some of these new features. To see a demonstration of these (and other) features of Dynamics NAV 2018 in action, contact ArcherPoint today.