Power BI in Brief – September 2020
Every month, we bring you news, tips, and expert opinions on Power BI? Do you want to tap into the power of Power BI? Ask the Power BI experts at ArcherPoint.
There’s always something going on with Power BI! We bring you the latest tools, tips, and opinions each month to keep you in the know. What to learn more about Power BI? Talk to the Power BI experts at ArcherPoint.
Now Available: Power Automate Actions for Exporting Power BI and Paginated Reports
Microsoft has made two new actions available for the Power BI connector in Power Automate, allowing you to leverage the Power BI export API for either Power BI reports or paginated reports in Power Automate workflows. You can quickly and easily export Power BI content in a variety of formats and scenarios. Learn more about these new Power BI connectors for Power Automate.
Common Power BI Processes Explained
On his Insight Quests blog, Brett Powell shares a very informative paper describing several of the fundamental processes and workflows within Power BI environments, including their common owners, tasks, and considerations, that can be adopted to enhance your processes that align with the goals of your Power BI environment.
Comments on the New Power Query Data Types
Power BI guru Chris Webb never fails to deliver unique and helpful insights. In The M Behind The New Power Query Data Types In Excel, he discusses and explains what you can do with the new Power Query data types, just released to the Excel insider’s channel. “They’re the latest manifestation of Excel linked data types; cool things are also happening with them and Power BI featured tables too,” he says.
Viewing Data Privacy Partition Info with Query Diagnostics in Power Query
Another Chris Web gem: In Viewing Data Privacy Partition Information With Power Query Query Diagnostics, he digs deeper into a feature added in May 2020: the ability to view data privacy partition information.
Who Says Camp is Just for Kids? Sign Up for Now Power BI Dev Camp!
Microsoft is kicking off their first, monthly Power BI Dev Camp on Thursday 24 September 2020 at 11:00 AM – 12:00 noon PDT (note the time zone!). Ted Pattison, Microsoft Power BI principal program manager will present this month’s topic: Writing PowerShell Scripts for Power BI, including how to get started with writing and testing PowerShell scripts and more. Learn more and register for the Power BI Dev Camp, and mark your calendar for the next date, October 29th.
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