Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 Enhancements, Part 1

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 Enhancements, Part 1

As we await the release of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 on December 1, now is a great time to familiarize yourself with improvements already available in Microsoft’s most popular ERP, Dynamics NAV (formerly Navision).


Create and save settings (views) by individual, make those global or personal views, schedule reports, and establish by role or person who can print to the various report outputs (Word, Excel, pdf).


Freeze panes in list views, personalize screens by setting the status for fields that allow you to show only the fields you access often, or setup up a quick entry flow for the fields you edit, while still showing the other fields. Unlimited text fields are also available. Navigation has never been easier in NAV.

Sales and Receivables Setup

A Default Item Quantity field now exists, as well as Create Item from Description, allowing you to set the default quantity of items and create new items on the fly from Sales Order entry using templates.

Help and Learning Enhancements

Additional help has been added in the form of reading materials and YouTube videos such as getting started with financials, working with journals, getting the most out of reports and forecasting, installing extensions, and customizing settings. Additionally, help text appears when hovering over fields to ensure proper data is entered. Preview postings allows users to see the posting implications (G/L, ledger, tax entries, etc.) prior to processing.

Email Enhancements

Emailing documents is much easier now as Outlook launches automatically, and you can easily include the document in the body of the email and/or as an attachment. You can also set defaults for emailing various documents.

NAV Feature Enhancements Part 2 provides videos showing additional improvements in Dynamics NAV to notifications, permission sets, assisted setup, currency exchange, and exporting to Excel.

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