Dynamics Business Central / NAV Developer Digest - Vol. 489

Dynamics Business Central / NAV Developer Digest - Vol. 489

ArcherPoint’s Developer Digest focuses on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and Dynamics NAV development. This week’s volume includes detecting platform changes in Business Central, Business Central SaaS and the cost of cloud storage, and printing a PDF from Business Central.

The Dynamics 365 Business Central community, consisting of developers, project managers, and consultants, collaborates across various platforms to share valuable insights. At ArcherPoint, we greatly value their dedication and expertise. To ensure widespread access to this technical knowledge, we created Developer Digest.

Detecting platform changes in Business Central

You can track application hotfixes using telemetry. But there is no signal that lets you know if a platform hotfix was deployed.

In spite of this, Duilio Tacconi offers a way to track platform changes using telemetry, even in the absence of a signal.

This can be useful when troubleshooting an outage and discovering that there was a platform update at around that time or if users reported a change in behavior around the time the update was being rolled out around the world.

Check out Tacconi’s blog, How to track platform changes in Dynamics 365 Business Central Online, to learn more.

Business Central SaaS and the cost of cloud storage

Many on-premises customers are reluctant to move to the cloud because they are concerned that either (1) the cloud cannot support the load required for them to run their business or (2) the cost of cloud storage is too expensive.

On point #1, most partners and developers will agree that the cloud can indeed handle the heavy loads needed by some customers.

However, Stephano Demiliani raises an important concern on point #2: The storage costs for a large Business Central database can become an issue, particularly if that database is expected to continue to grow.

For Demiliani’s explanation of the issues and recommendations for mitigating them, read his blog, Dynamics 365 Business Central: why not reviewing the SaaS storage cost policy?

Printing a PDF from Business Central

Sometimes, the simplest things turn out to be rather difficult. Take printing a PDF from within Business Central, for example. It seems like that task would be quite easy. Unfortunately, it’s not.

Erik Hougaard tackles this thorny issue in his video, Print a PDF from Business Central, that’s easy, isn’t it?

Was he successful? Watch the video to find out.


Are you interested in Dynamics NAV and Business Central development? Check out our collection of NAV/BC Development Blogs.

Read “How To” blogs from ArcherPoint for practical advice on using Microsoft Dynamics NAV and Dynamics 365 Business Central.

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