How To Set Default Bin Codes in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
During the purchasing and receiving processes of new items in Dynamics 365 Business Central, you may want to set up default bin codes for those items. This video will walk you through how to automatically populate default bin codes in your purchasing and receiving lines in Business Central.
You may have enabled bin location to be “mandatory” on the Location Card and expect the bin code to automatically populate when entering a purchase order. Learn how to navigate to the bin code location to set your default values to get the desired results of auto populating the bin code on your documents when purchasing and receiving your items.
Jessie Wang will also show you what the following fields on the Location Card mean and the impact your selections (turning them on/off) will have on your Dynamics 365 Business Central system functions:
- Require Receive
- Require Shipment
- Require Put-away
- Use Put-away Worksheet
- Require Pick
Learn more about Business Central by viewing other How-To videos or reading more How-To blogs from ArcherPoint.
The transcript of this video on Default Bin Codes follows:
Hello, everyone. I want to talk about how you can automatically populate the default bin code during the purchase receiving process. It’s very confusing to some users, so they enable the bin mandatory on the location card and they’re expecting for the bin code to automatically populate on the purchase line when they entered item on the purchase line, but it doesn’t do that. So let’s see how this works and why it’s not populating. So, first we have to start with the location card. If you only enable the bin mandatory on the location card, you did not enable require, receive and require put away these advanced warehouse documents, which means you are receiving from the purchase order directly. If you only have bin mandatory turnout, so the default bin comes from the item, which means you need to go to your bins and then you need to go to the bin content and make sure you have this default check box marked for the item.
If you don’t have this default check box marked, then it will not automatically pop in that bin code. So you could see for this first item 1038. If we put it on the purchase line, then I have this default checkmark disabled, then let’s do a test and then see what’s going happen.
If we go to purchase, then we just go to whatever open purchase order. We are going add one more line here and put this item in. And we are going put this location, which is the WMS seven, which I have the bin mandatory turn down.
So then let’s put a quantity. You can see, I don’t have any bin code populated here a nd then let’s go to that location code. We’re going add that default back to that bin content, so that goes to the bins and then go to the bin content.
And then we just going to check this box again. So, it’s for item 1038. Then, I have this default check mark marked.
Then, let’s go to this PO again and just add another line on this open PO for the same item. Then, let’s see what’s going happen okay. And we have to change the warehouse location. You could see, just right after I enter the location code on the purchase line and this being code automatically populated after I turn on the default checkmark. it’s even before you enter the quantity. So, it doesn’t matter what quantity you enter there. So what this means is if you only have the bin mandatory turned down, have the bin setup, and you have to make sure the item entered on the purchase line is in order for it to automatically populate the default bin code.
Then, you need to have in the bin content and need to have that default checkmark checked.
But you can see under the warehouse, first tab, you have the set-up default bin selection. You can select a fixed bin or you can last use bin. If you select the fixed bin, which means that item always goes to that bin, right? If you select last use bin, this item could be in this bin, but next time in another bin. Whichever bin you put that item, just automatically populate the last bin you use for the item.
So because I’m using the default bin selection, I have to make sure because on this bin content, right? I need to make sure I have this default checkmark enabled. And then, this item has to be the fixed bin.
This bin code has to be the fixed bin for this item, right? I need to have these two checkmarks. If I don’t, then I will let the system select if I don’t have the fixed bin. And I only have the default. If you want the system to automatically populate the bin code, then you have to select the last to use the bin because this item already have the item layer entries. It was previously used as a fixed bin and as long as there’s still quantity in this bin, then if you still. If you have the default checkmark, you don’t have the fixed checkmark turned out.
Then before the quantity got exhausted, it will still automatically populate this bin code. After the quantity got exhausted, you will not see this item number here anymore because it’s not fixed bin only when it’s fixed bin.
When the quantity goes to zero, you’ll still see the item number is associated with that bin. But if it’s not fixed bin, it’s only a default bin. When the quantity goes to zero, then you will see this item number will be blank. Okay. So, this means even right now on my location card, I have the bin location, the default bin selection select as fixed bin. But I only have the default check mark on the item, but before that quantity got exhausted to zero when I enter a line for this item on the purchase line is still going default to this bin code.
So you still see this being code populated. That’s what I mentioned only after you exhausted that quality then and it will not be there anymore. Because I don’t have the fix there. So if you still want to see how that works then we can create an item journal and adjust out this quantity on that item and can create an item journal.
And then in the item journal, we can do a negative adjustment and adjust out this item for this location, WM as seven. Then we are going do an active adjustment for the 1000.
After we did this, then you will see on that bin content and will not see that item anymore. So if we go back to this location and to the bin content, you see that line for the item 1038 associated with the bin zero one. It disappeared because it’s not the fixed bin. If it’s a fixed bin, even after you exhausted this quantity, then you will still see this item number here.
So we’re going do another test for item 1039, since we want to see if we exhausted this 100. But if it’s a fixed bin and we can still see this item number here for 1039. So we’re going create another item journal, do another negative adjustment for this bin code and we can see from there. So let’s go to our item journal and we’re going do another negative adjustment. But this time we’re going do it for this item and it’s for this location seven, which is going be 100. Okay.
Going to post this and then we’re going go back to that location and take a look of the bin content. Going go to the bins and then the bin content. So you could see even the quantity got zero, right? There’s no this item on this bin anymore, but because it’s fixed band you can still see this line here and is 103 now. Okay.
So that’s what I’m talking about in this scenario, I have the only have the default turned out.
I don’t have the fixed turnout before the quality turned to zero. Next time, you still have that bin code to automatic populated, right? Even you have under location card, you have the fixed bins selected otherwise if it’s not fixed bin, if it doesn’t use the fixed bin.
So let’s go back to our content. If we do not have this fixed here, then it will only have the default.
Then, if under location card you have the last use being selected and the system will always use the last bin code on the last inbound entries for that item to populate. So you could see in this scenario your could have the bin mandatory turned down. If you want to automatically populate the default bin code on the purchase line, you need to turn on that default checkmark on the bin content, which means you need to have bin content and this means you already have inbound entries created before.
So next time you create another PO or inbound entry, it can automatically populate that bin code. That’s how it works. Another scenario instead of doing it this week is you may have a generic bin. You want a receiving bin and you don’t want every item go to different bins based on the bin called associated in the bin content, which is associated to the item. If that’s the case, then you have to enable at least require receive. Okay.
Because I already have a warehouse document for this location and I cannot disable this required put away. But what I mean is if you have another location, if you want to, let me see if there’s any other location I can show, but with the bin mandatory, um, no, , this one, I’m not sure if I have any, I entries if I have, yeah.
It’ll not let you to turn on the bin mandatory. In order to use a generic receiving bin code, at least you have to turn on required receive. I cannot turn off this put away right now because I have a put away documents with the header there. As long as you have a warehouse document associated, it will not let you to turn this off but you have to turn on required receive in order to use this generic receiving. But the process will be different. In this case, I have both the required receive and require put away, turn down. So you will generate a warehouse receipt document and then you have to create a put away from that warehouse receipt and for the warehouse receipt document. Otherwise, it will default the bin to this receipt bin code.
If you don’t have this turned down, then you could see this one and this receipt being code will be grayed out. You cannot select anything. This is associated to this checkbox require receive. Okay. So, that’s do a test in this case. I’m going to create a purchase order for this location, WMS two. So,let’s go to our purchase orders and just create a brand new one, I’m not sure if I have any existing one with that location and just take this vendor. You can do that on the header to put in the warehouse or do it on the line. So for this location. we can change it to WMS two.
And then when you do it on the line, it’ll just inherit it. Let’s put this item so you could see on the line because it’s using another document and it’s not using the purchase order for receiving. So you can see the bin code does not populate on the purchase line at all because it’s going populate on the warehouse receipt document. Okay. So, we’re going release this document and then we’re going create the warehouse receipt for this document. For the credit warehouse, a receipt is created and you can see on the header it defaults to the bin code to the receiving bin, right? So that’s how it works.
In summary, based on your different setup on the location card, it to automatically populates the bin code during the purchase; receiving will be on different documents. If you have the required received, turned on, then it’ll populate the receiving bin code on your warehouse receipt header. If you don’t have these turned on, you don’t have the required receive and required put away turned on. Then, it depends on the items. If a bin that’s associated for that item has a default checkmark in the bin content then, based on your default bin selection set up, it will auto populate the bin code associated to that item. It’s not going be a generic bin, like a receiving bin.
Okay. Thank you so much for watching this YouTube video. Hope it’s helpful. I will see you guys again next time.
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