How To Synchronize Multiple Units of Measure Between Dynamics 365 Business Central and Dynamics 365 Sales

How To Synchronize Multiple Units of Measure Between Dynamics 365 Business Central and Dynamics 365 Sales

If you need to track multiple units of inventory in your business – for example, you purchase an item in one unit of measure, like pieces but then sell that same item in another unit of measure like packs – you did not have this option in previous versions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. However, this functionality was added in Business Central Wave 2 2021 and can be accessed from the Feature Management area. 

Once you have enabled Sync Multiple Units of Measure with Dynamics 365 Sales (CRM) functionality, you can push unit groups for inventory items from Business Central into D365 Sales. Once you have mapped your inventory items and scheduled the synchronization, you will be able to see the additional units of measure in the D365 Sales Product Catalog.

Note that, once you have enabled this feature, it cannot be disabled. Be sure to test it in your sandbox before enabling it in your production environment.

This video will show you how to enable this feature, test your connection to D365 Sales, map the tables, and set up the synchronization of multiple units of measure between Business Central and D365 Sales. We’ll also show you how to make sure the synchronization is working.   

Learn more from Microsoft about Using multiple units of measure when synchronizing items and resources to Dynamics 365 Sales.

Contact ArcherPoint for assistance, and find out more about Business Central by viewing other How-To videos or reading more How-To blogs from ArcherPoint. 

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