The Habits of Amazing People: Rate Yourself

“If you don’t measure the quality of the experience you deliver, you can’t possibly improve it.”
Let me start by saying that writing about amazing habits has been a struggle because I have not felt amazing lately. As I was re-reading this chapter before I wrote about it, I kept thinking about how customers would rate me over the last few weeks. Has the “blah” factor come through? This chapter from Shep Hyken’s Be Amazing or Go Home talks about asking clients to rate your performance and using that feedback to make adjustments. You can ask for feedback on your performance or tone, ways to improve your current process, or any other area in which you want to ensure you are excelling.
I sat down and started to ask myself some questions and rate my performance as if I was looking from the outside. (Cringe) Yep, it is very eye-opening. Does it mean I feel amazing today? Nope, but this type of rating system does make you more aware. Stop and really look at yourself through a feedback rating lens. When you are tired or frustrated, is that coming through in your customer interactions? If you are not sure, ask.
So, how do we use this for customer-facing experiences? By taking a couple of minutes on a call to ask the customer how you are doing. Some examples could be, “Would you be willing to take a couple of minutes to rate me on your experience?” “How would you rate my overall understanding of your issue?” If you get a low number for your rating, follow up with, “How could I improve this for you in the future?” If you get a high rating, ask, “What made this a good experience for you?” You can quickly get a pulse on how you are doing and find out where you are succeeding and failing. If you take this type of feedback and review over a month or two, you will be amazed at the trends you can see in your results.
If, like me, you know you have not been feeling amazing, then this type of feedback is much needed but also very hard to ask for. I found out in two feedback “sessions” that my feeling of rushing from one call to the next was coming across loud and clear in my calls. While this is not good, I am now aware and trying to find a solution. (Is anyone else thinking of the Lombardi time habit?) This type of rating can help you become aware of how those working with you view your overall service, which can help you become better overall. I highly recommend creating a few rating questions and asking them to better understand where you can improve.
Do you rate yourself? How? Do you confirm it with feedback from your customers? Share your thoughts with us and your company; then call us to see how ArcherPoint’s customer service offerings can help.
Read about the habits of amazing people we’ve reviewed so far:
- Show up prepared to amaze
- Understand what it means to be amazing
- Always act as if you’re on stage
- Show up early – be on “Lombardi time”
- Act like you’re always on the clock
- Create an “anti-NO” zone
- Be proactive
- Think ahead
- Create predictably positive experiences
- Think outside the rule book
- Stay a step ahead
- Ask directly for feedback
- Look past the honeymoon